
This winter & spring I have been reading a book about pioneer British gardeners, The Brother Gardeners by Andrea Wulf. Actually it is a little strange that I started this book in the first place, as it is female gardeners who are my passion, but somehow I came over it, it looked interesting, and there I was.......hooked.

I read book with a pen or a pencil in my right hand, and on page 100 in The Brother Gardenes it came handy..........since Philip Miller acted as consultant to the Duke of Bedford about his estate at Woburn in Bedfordshire..........hi, Bedford and Bedfordshire, that´s where "my" abbey is, isn´t it? I checked google maps on my ipad, and right, quite close to Turvey it was.

I have a blog reader (and a fellow blogger) who lives close to Turvey, and now I sent her a message; Lindsay, are you in for a garden visit?

Lindsay was in, and on Saturday, on my last day at Turvey Abbey, just after breakfast, she picked me up with her Peugeot and her GPS. Woburn Abbey and Gardens our destination.

Before reaching the gardens we had to drive though a deer park, and we were lucky, a huge hoard of the deers was out. And we were lucky once more, as we arrived in the garden just before the tourist buses started to come.

Which meant that for a long time we had the gardens almost all alone.

Woburn Abbey is huge, and so are the garden. And very well maintained. As we are in the middle of April it is still spring. I guess the gardens will be marvellous in a month or two. But even now I loved them!

Unfortunately the maze was closed,

so we had to enjoy it from outside the fence only.

But there were enough other things to see and enjoy.

The Camelia House, which I posted about the other day, the peek highlight :-)

When people ask me why I love England and Great Britain so much, I know exactly what to answer:

I love its gardend and its gardeners.

Woburn Abbey and Gardens
My friend Lindsay´s blog
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