"Tell me something about your childhood, will you? An early memory?"
Terje and I were sitting in the car, a long drive. 12 hours down on Thursdag, 12 hours back home on Sunday. Long hours for silence, listening to the radio, and talking. We had been quiet for some time, we both love silence, both of us thinking of the task ahead of us, emptying Terje´s childhood home, making it ready to be sold.
The silence continued and I wondered if Terje had been too deep in thoughts to hear my question. But after a while: "I remember one spring we had a lamb. We got it from the farm of dad´s uncle. We fed it with milk from a baby bottle and the lamb became tame. Like a pet. We knew that the lamb would be slaughtered in late autumn, but that was life and it didn´t stop us to love and cherish it as long as we had it. When the cold days of autumn came we let the lamb come with us inside. It loved to sleep in front of the oven in the little room behind the kitchen." Terje looked at me and smiled: "My mother even taught the lamb to pee on the potty."
"Another year we had ducks. Again they were meant for food in the winter, again we loved them. Dad made a small pond to them, and a fence to keep them on our land. But they never tried to fly away. They got ducklings which we gave away to the kids next door. One time we took our to ducks over to the now quite big ducklings, and they all started to fight. Man, they scared us."
A 12 hours drive passes fast when you do it with someone you love!
The photos are from the garden were Terje spent his childhood. Some crocuses and snowdrops came home with us.