The creativity of my dear friend Mauro in Venice has no limits. When a packet arrives in the mail from him I can´t wait to open it to find out what is inside. It can be glass made by himself, it can be fagioli borlotti beans to make his yummy bean soup, one year it was an empty bottle......well, I though it was empty until I saw the label "Air of Venice"......I still have the bottle and it is still filled with Venice air, for me to breath when the longing for this fairy tale city is too strong.
This Christmas the gift was a bag of pasta, shaped like Christmas ornaments.
The pasta has been stored away since Christmas, but yesterday, after taking a deep breath from the Air of Venice bottle, I decided it was time to use it. For a pasta, sausages and white sauce casserole. Topped with cheese and crumbs from dry bread/"Wasa knäkkebrød".
I had great food photo plans when I started the casserole......
.....but somehow all I am left with is this half eaten meal......
I could have left blogging today, but as you see I didn´t.
Instead I can say that the pasta casserole, which Terje and I shared last night, was absolutely perfect. We ate a lot more than we had planned to and in the end we almost licked our plates.
And there is paste from Venice left for at least one more meal.....
.....and now I must leave you to go downstairs to start the Mother´s Day dinner. yes, it is Mother´s Day in Norway today, and I am working on a post for tomorrow about it........
and if you want to know more about spaghetti vongole you MUST go over here to read Mauro´s comment and to check out all the links he has shared :-)