A completely ordinary day. Woke before the alarm clock as always. Up for a shower, a hair wash. Breakfast. Newspaper. An appointment before work, which gave me the opportunity to stop at Terje´s job to park the car there and we squeezed in a cup of coffee together in his canteen. Work. Bus home. Grocery shopping. Making dinner. Eating with Marta and Terje. Napping. Afternoon news, coffee and some left over Christmas cookies (read krumkake). Some house fun. A couple of bills to pay. A program with a favorite musician of mine on television. Reading. A glass of wine......may be. Going to bed.
A completely ordinary day.
Nothing fancy with it.
Nothing exeptional is happening.
And everything is exeptional.
I am breathing.
I am alive. I can feel my husband´s kiss on my cheek. I can enjoy my daughter´s soft, beautiful hair. I can speak with my kids on the phone. I got a letter in the mail. I have a job I love. I made something good for dinner. The squirrels are busy out in the garden. The dark sky is filled with stars. I am knitting socks for my oldest son. There is peace in my country. I own the words. I am living. Here. Now.