Janus, the god of beginnings and traditions. The god of looking back and planning ahead. The god who gave January its name.
We are into the first month of the year. The month of looking back on the year we´ve just finished. The month of looking ahead to days, weeks and months to come. Learn from your past, dream of your future. Important lessons and good reminders on one of the first days of the year.
Still, isn´t there something missing in this. I look at Januses two faces, I think back on the past year, its joys and sorrows, the great plans I had for the year, some fulfilled, others just floated away. The people I met. With some I walked just a step or two, with others I shared the view both from deep valleys and from mountain tops. I make plans for the year which is still in its pure beginning. What will it bring? Where will I go? Whom will I meet?
Janus, the god with its two faces. Beginnings and traditions.
Then I realise what is missing!
How can I live my life fulfilled, my life as it was meant by my Creator to be lived if I concentrate only on the past and the future?
What about the moment?
What about the here and now?
New Year´s resolution #3:
Carpe Diem.
Only then can the barbed wire unfold.