In a few days Britt-Arnhild´s House in the Woods will celebrate its 10th anniversary. 10 years of blogging. 10 years of daily blessings. An adventure I had no idea excisted. My first blog post was on blogspot January 27th 2005. I stayed there for about three months and then moved over to typepad.
Typepad has been a most perfect host over the years, always there when I needed help, and also always there when I managed all by myself. I have learned blogging from the pure beginning, taking all the wrong turns available along the path while traveling. Often I have had to ask typepad, which I do by opening so called help tickets. I still remember one time, some years ago, when one of the people at typepad, whom I am sure wondered what this Norwegian lady with so little knowledge did in the blogging world, wrote me: "can you give me your phone number? then I can call you and we can work your problem out together". My answer was: "oh no, please don´t call. if you do you will understand how little I actually know about computers......."
That was years ago, and we figured out the problem without talking on the phone :-)
Today I know a lot more. Yes, I know so much that last summer I was asked to be in charge of our homepage at work. Can you beat that!
Oh please! Come to the point!
I can hear you shouting now.......
.....and here is my secret:
To celebrate my 10 years of blogging, typepad.com wants to feature my blog. For a whole week!
We haven´t quite figured out when yet. But I have one prayer for you -
-when it happens, please be there. Let typepad see, from my statistic page, that I do have one or two readers, from my comment page that I have one or two commenters.
Can I count on you?