I am having a day off, and I spend it doing all these "doing nothing" things which I so much love to do. Terje has a very bad cold and is home from work, though still sitting in his home office working from home. Marta has a very bad cold, went to the doctor yesterday and got penicillin for her sore throat, though she went to school today, this is her last year of high school and she doesn´t want to miss too much. I think maye be I´ll make chicken soup for dinner.
My first doing nothing thing, after having breakfast with Terje where he drank herbs from the garden tea with lots and lots of honey, was to do a garden walk. With my camera. Autumn is sneaking into the garden now, though still slowly. It is like the garden is on the edge of getting a cold, a sore throat, which eventually will be healed by a long, deep sleep.
The Blue Garden squirrels are busy these days, digging sun flower seeds everywhere. Small sunflower plants start to grow in the funniest places. Poor squirrels haven´t learned that their winter food is sprouting and will be nowhere to be found when winter is here.
I would love to write a "my year in the world"-book from The Blue Garden. Spiced with tales from around the world. So far I have not found enough doing nothing hours, but who knows.......... may be some day.
Meanwhile I continue to write one chapter a day in my Britt-Arnhild´s House in the Woods´book, loving every feedback you give me.....here, on facebook, in emails, on twitter........