I read an article recently about the death of blogging. Blogging which came into my life as a completely revelation almost 10 years ago. I had written group mails for several years and sent out, about books, from travels, all through advent, and when a friend sent me a link to a page where her son wrote about his newborn son, a blog, a door to a completely new world opened. It didn´t take me long to have my own blog. First on blogspot, but only a few months later on typepad, and since then I´ve been here. On and off the first year or so, but most of the time I´ve posted every single day.....except when I´ve been unable to get online (on a few travels that is)
I started to blog in English, my goal was to improve my second language. Over the years I´ve got several blogs, quite a lot actually, even one or two in Norwegian. My blogs have different themes. Life, travels, books, cooking, garden, Nidaros cathedral, city of Trondheim to name some.
Britt-Arnhild´s House in the Woods is my main blog, where I post every day. What I blog about varies though, from deep reflections, to travels and everyday life. It is also important for me to express and to share my belief as a Christian.
Last night, after the hike up to Pulpit Rock I had so much I wanted to blog about, but I was too tired and only managed a kind of short postcard. And I guess that´s how life is. You can´t paint the big, famous paintings every day. If could do that, I would use my words to paint the artist who had taken easel, paintbox and brushes with him up in the mountains, I would paint the sherpas hired from Nepal to come to Norway to make the trails for the hikers easier to walk, I would paint the view along the hike, the people, the butterflies.......
.....and the heather, which was already blooming even though it is still only mid-July.
Life is not like that. Most days I´ll continue to do the rough sketches, then, from time to time there might be a watercolour, and may be even a bigger painting.
Meanwhile I do my very best to keep blogging alive.....but to do so I need all of you. The value of a blog shows in the number of its readers.........and also the friends from all over the world blogging has given me, continues to give.