Little did I know i January what this term, this winter and spring, would bring. It looked so easy in the beginning. Some health "stuff" meant that I needed a week´s sick leave, but after this week was finished I was back, working full time.......almost. Since than quite a lot has happened, and for the moment I am still on sick leave, 50% just now.
There have been quite a few ups and downs these months. Quite a few changes in my life. And there will be more in the future. I have always liked to plan my life, to know what is around the next corner. I still do. But everything can not be planned. Sometimes the road is so narrow, the surroundings so high, it is impossible to see ahead.
There is a photo, you might have seen it on facebook or elsewhere, of two men sitting in a bus, on either side of the aisle. One is looking directly into the rock wall, the other has the most beautiful view. I have decided to sit next to the one with the view. Still I am able to see the rocks, but my face is turned the other way, and over the second man´s shoulder, I let my eyes rest on the beauty of the drive. I try not to see too much out the front window. I am not sure where the bus is heading. But it doesn´t matter much, as the beauty is here, now, along the path I am on.
The photo is from a tiny little mountain village in Italy, Sermoneta.