I was 24 when I became a mother for the first time, Torgeir was born in 1982. Two years later Øystein came and five years after that the two boys got a sister, Ingrid. Marta was born in 1996 and our circle was complete.
Being a mother is a constant joy, and somehow also a constantly worry. Not that we have any reason for worries with our clover, but still, there is always a corner of my heart set for such thoughts.
We are lucky, we have all four of our kids in Trondheim. Torgeir and Øystein with their apartments downtown. Ingrid and Marius on top of a hill with an extraordinary view of Trondheim and the surroundings. Marta still at home, with two rooms of her own in our basement.
I loved having babies, I thrived with my toddlers and blossomed with school children.
Now they are all grown ups, Marta turned 18 in February, Ingrid will be 25, Øystein is 30 and Torgeir almost 32, and I have reached another stage in my life. Terje has a job where he in periods travel quite a lot, Marta is busy with friends, the three others have jobs and studies, not to mention travels........Torgeir just returned from three weeks in Japan, Øystein is in South Korea for a month, working, Ingrid (and Marius) have several travels in Norway for the moment and will go to England after Easter.
I work less now, due to the health problems I mentioned.
I have more time at home, and completely new to me is all the time I have home alone.
I have been wondering about this stage in life. Now I am breathing its air, and I know everything is right.
And I LOVE it when the kids call, when they send messages, and most of all when they come home for dinner..........
.....and when they invite us into their lives.
The photos are from Ingrid and Marius´apartment. They invited us for dinner the other day.
The coffee table is made by my father in law a year ago, just after his 90th birthday.