Sharon commented on yesterday´s post about the rool-up book: Is there any way we can purchase one that you know of?
Sure there is a way. Not only a way, but the best way......
We asked the people we met: how can we help you, what is the best help we can give?
Again and again we got the same answer....
Come and visit us. Come to Ethiopia. Come as tourists. Leave your money. Stay in hotels. Eat our food. Buy our souvenirs.
Ethiopia is a beautiful country. Ethiopians are beautiful people.
Sharon, and all you others. Go to Ethiopia. There you can buy your own roll-up books. There you can take part in the coffee seremones in the birthplace of coffee. There you can count the million shades of green. There you can mirror yourself in the eyes of a smiling child. There you can eat well and leave rich tips. There you can........
.......there you can.......well, tell me, what would you like to do in Ethiopia?
I know of a lot of things I will do when I go back :-)