The National Museum in Addis Ababa has a very special woman living inside its walls, Denkenesh or Birkinesh which means You Are Lovely. Beloved child has many names, and the name Birkinesh is known under around the world is Lucy, or rather Lucy in the Sky.
Lucy, a woman with the amazing age of 3.2million years, was found north east in Ethiopia in November 1974. But why Lucy in the Sky? I love that story. As it happend, the archeologists were playing the Beatles song in the camp at the moment she was found :-)
I posted the first picture here on facebook yesterday, with a text telling that I had had a very nice meeting with Lucy, whereupon Torgeir, my oldest son, asks; who is who of the two ladies on the picture? Of course I could tell him the answer. Since Ingrid Elise once accused me of being so old fashioned I must have been born before God, well, I am of course the one to the right.
Lucy (or is it me?), continue to cast her spell on people of all ages. And most of all on young men of course.
By the way, I have the Lonely Planet Ethiopia, Eritrea and Djibouti which I bought for a travel to Eritrea in 2001. In it I read that the bones of Lucy are copies, the originals are preserverd in the archives of the museum. But coming heard I learned that we now see the real bones. But not all of them were found of course. I guess the white parts are plaster copies, the more darker ones are real.