Dinner is over, nap is done and so are the dishes,I´ve started a washing machine and it is time to sit down with a book or five-time. My favorite time. I am reading sucking a few candies from Contact! by Jan Morris, and while I read about glimpses from her meetings with people around the world, I remember a few of mine.
"Oh, sure it will be a perfect repost" I tell myself, remembering a Sunday lunch in London a few years ago. I had been to The Royal Geographic Sosiety, listening to Derva Murphey and was on my way to meet Terje and the girls coming from London Eye.
On my way I stopped to have lunch in a small Italian restaurant and it was when I sat there, waiting for my bill that two old ladies came in. Old, bent and hardly able to walk. Coming in from the street they had to climb a few stairs to get a table, and especially one of the ladies was so bent down, she almost crawled up the stairs. It took her ages, but it was evident that she did not want any help. This lady was used to managing on her own.
Her friend already sat at their table, flipping throuh the menu when "my" lady finally had climbed her Mount Everest. Slowly she straightened her back and as she did she looked right into my face. Her eyes flashed, she blinked to me and like a queen she walked over to her table.
My heart skipped several beats and beamed.
Sure, a lady after my heart. Traveling the world, climbing her mount everests far into the age of 100!
I was so sure I already blogged about this mount everest lady, back when it happened. But now I can´t find it anywhere! Ok, may be I just wrote about it in my travel journal then? No, it is not there either. Diary then? No!
Well, no matter if I have told the tale before or not!
Here is is. For me to enjoy. For you to enjoy.