
I woke up this morning with a song playing in my heart. The words are Germen, I have no idea why, but may be because I usually sing it in German when I sing it for myself. The song is translated into Norwegian, and probably into a lot of other languages as well.

I am sure the song has to do with the afternoon and night I had yesterday.
So let me tell you about it:
When, many months ago, I knew that I was going to Istanbul, I contacted Pinar, a woman who has read my blog for more than seven years. At once Pinar started to plan what she wanted to show me, do together with me in her city.
Yesterday she was waiting for me in our hotel when we came back from an audience with His All Holiness the Ecumenical Patriarch (more about that later). At once we jumped into a taxi, they have happy, bright, yellow taxies here in Istanbul, just like the cabs in New York, and our adventure started.

It will be impossible to tell you all we did, but after a visit to Pera Museum, where we, among other thins, saw a photo exhibition from the riots at Taksim Square, and a television footage about Osmans Hamdi Bey´s painting The Turtle Raiser, we walked over to Pura Palace Hotel. The famous hotel where people traveling with The Orient Express took in, and where Agatha Christie wrote Murder on the Orient Express.
"I want to take you there" Pinar said, "because of the history of the hotel and because they have high style tea there".
Sure they did.
We had turkish coffee, and we shared two desserts between us. And we were in heaven.

We talked about politics. We talked abut our families. We talked about growing up in Istanbul. We talked about blogging. We talked about everything.
Our empty coffee cups had tales to tell, and Pinar read both.
Our blogging friend night continued. More walking, more visits. More taxies.
And it ended up ina fishing village down on the shores of Bosphoros, where we had our dinner.
Here our sharing of tales continued,
both of us aware that there was, there is an angel between us.
The first post Pinar read in my blog was about and angel, in my empty coffee cup we found an angel.

Pinar, thank you for the most amazing afternoon and night with you.
We´ll meet again, here and in Norway!
Danke für diesen guten Morgen,
danke für jeden neuen Tag.
Danke, dass ich all meine Sorgen auf dich werfen mag.
Danke für alle guten Freunde,
danke, oh Herr, für jedermann.
Danke, wenn auch dem größten Feinde ich verzeihen kann.
Danke für meine Arbeitsstelle,
danke für jedes kleine Glück.
Danke für alles Frohe, Helle und für die Musik.
Danke für manche Traurigkeiten,
danke für jedes gute Wort.
Danke, dass deine Hand mich leiten will an jedem Ort.
Danke, dass ich dein Wort verstehe,
danke, dass deinen Geist du gibst.
Danke, dass in der Fern und Nähe du die Menschen liebst.
Danke, dein Heil kennt keine Schranken,
danke, ich halt mich fest daran.
Danke, ach Herr, ich will dir danken, dass ich danken kann.
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