Under the sky you find birds in all colours and sizes.
Bright, shining, funny, sparkling, interesting.....you name it.
Some fight to get attention.
Others are shy, almost invisible.
I am in love with one of the modest ones.
Every spring it is back in my garden, busily pushing its tail up and down.
The wagtail.
Traveling the world twice a year.
Walking on water.
Showing off on waterlily leaves.
One spring, many years ago, I had just returned from a visit to Eritrea.
I sat out in the garden, working on my travel journal, missing my Eritreat friends when a tiny little wagtale came characteristically jumping towards me, letting me mirror my longing in his deep, dark eyes, chirping "Don´t be sad. Your friends are not lost for you. I will continue to fly back and forth, year after year, to strengthen your ties"
Then he flew away.
And he has kept his promise.
Every year he is back in the blue garden:
Every year he comes jumping over to me, delivers his greetings,
and continues with his daily tasks.
The photos are from a visit to Ringve Botanical Gardens yesterday.
More photos and words in Blåklokkeveien