text and images britt-arnhild
A taxidriver picked me up after breakfast this morning. He would drive me from Tansen to Pokhara. Five hours up and down on hairbending, narrow roads. The sun shone when we started, but it didn´t take long before the first shower hit us. A heavy one. It took me three seconds to discover the taxidriver´s motto: Wipers and for Wimps.
Dew on the inside can easily be removed by an old rug. The raindrops on the outside can be seen through......almost.
I am lucky, I love driving. So I was never afraid.
The nature here is amazing. Just below the Himalayas, I have been unable to actually see the mountains yet, because of the clouds. But there is a hope that we can see sunset over Himalaya from the roof of the house where I am staying here in Pokhara tomorrow morning.
I am crossing my fingers.
I had my notebook and a pen in my lap while we drove, determined to write down inpressions. But it was inpossible to write without being car sick. So I changed pen and paper with camera.....
.........which turned out to be a good thing :-)