text and images britt-arnhild
We waved goodbye to Moi, to farfar and to Terje who is staying behind to spent Easter with his father, and started our 1000km long drive home. Without our main driver. A long drive, through 10 counties. Starting at 8am, home just as the clock struck midnight. Stopping only when we simply "had to pee", except for one long stop.
Sout of Lillehammer my brother Torodd, his wife Kristin, Mathilde, Benjamin and Kristin´s parents reigns in the most charming old homestead you can imagine. Solveig, Kristin´s mother, had invited us for dinner. Moose steak.
We were seated around the table, enjoying the jummy food when my borther asked for my camera. "Hi big sister, you have blogged about things much less important than this. Aren´t you going to blog about mother in law? Where is your camera?"
My camera was out in the car, we were all seated around the huge, old table, it would be rude to leave. But then I remembered I had my cell phone. Of course I would blog about this :-)
As we sat there eating, I sure missed my camera, not only for the food, the master cook, the homestead, the people.......no, all of a sudden a moose was outside the window.
My cell phone had to do again.
Upgraded to main driver I was given the luxury of a driver´s nap before continuing.
Solveig and Sigurd, Torodd, Kristin, Mathilde and Benjamin,
thank you
for your hospitality.
And a very special thank to Solveig for the moose steak, and the sauce!