Today´s retreat is over, and I have given myself another kind of "retreat".......a night visit to the local pub, The Three Fyshes, where they have free WiFi.
Ha, I couldn´t stay away from blogging longer than......was it around 30 hours?
Back at Christmas time I got an email from Sr.Miriam. She is a nun at Turvey Abbey north of London, and she told me that she, at least one other nun and many other people she knew of, are all reading my blog.
Long story short - we started to write a few emails back and forth, we became friends on facebook......and here I am, doing my own spiritual retreat at Turvey Abbey.
I am having very good days. Days for my heart, my mind, my body. Experiences which will be share with my diary only, or with my closests (Terje, I am looking forward to the weekend).
But a few photo from paradice can be share with the world of course.
Not difficult to sense why I love this place, is it?