text and images britt-arnhild
A globe is slowly spinning on my desk.
Images are popping as it turns around.
Good friends send a message from Mauro workshop
An email from an emloyee at La Calcina Hotel in Venice, telling me that she is in Trondheim, wanting to give me the same cortesy as I gave to her hotel months back
Counting days till we set our feet in the earth of Madeira
Slowly starting to plan a month in California
Martas upcoming school trip to France
The globe continues.
A year ago in Paris
Questions from a friend about Haiti and Th Dominican Republic
A tale sent from a small North Sea Island
The Silk Road.
Tibet. Nepal. Bhutan.
I am here. Now.
Can´t stop laughing with my daughter
Meet a friend´s eyes
A soft kiss on my lips from my husband.
The gate to the rest of my life is open.
Winter. I am ready.
To meet you. To greet you. To love you.
Photos: hiking near cabin