Text and images Britt-Arnhild Wigum Lindland
For a week now Trondheim has been turned upside down. The St.Olav Festival. The annual feast!
Two nights in a row we've been downtown. First to watch an outdoor show, TRANSITion with the German action theatre group Pan.Optikum. Then last night a cathedral filled to the brim, Verdi's Requiem.
Have you ever seen a firework with human bodies involved? A few weeks ago we were in the middle of an amazing firework in the Venetian Laguna. The other night was totally different, we were standing in the middle of it all.
You feel quite small as a human.
The festival has lasted for a week. Every day filled with program. The city of Trondheim filled with people.
One day the bishop and the two local county governors met to talk about values. Values on life and death.
Artists everywhere. Like this cathedral stone mason working on a copy of Archbishop Eystein.
Musicians, and my favorite conductor.
The festival is over. The Archbishop's Palace is back to normal. New challenges are waiting.
I am sorry I don't have much time for blogging these days. I will be back though!!!