text and images britt-arnhild
Every August, as sure as my name is Britt-Arnhild, there comes a letter from my dentist. With an appointment. Ever since I was a child I have dreaded it. Sitting, or rather lying, in the dentist chair, with my mouth wide open, answering eheh and ahah to the dentist's attempts to communicate. Well, there are situations I like better......
Yesterday was The Day again. This year I have been too busy to give it any second thoughts, and all of a sudden I found myself in the dreaded chair. With a young girl standing over me. My dentist, which I have "dated" for so many years, all of a sudden (at least that's what it felt) had hired a young girl, a dental hygienist, to do the first check. She was so gentle, so nice, so careful.....I almost fell asleep. And almost too fast she could proclaim: you are lucky, there are no problems with your teeth this year, nothing we need to do
...........and a couple of minutes later I found myself out on the street, with a light heart, a broad smile on my face.....and realized I kind of missed my dentist date :-)
My feet danced happily down to the harbour, I needed to celebrate my good teeth.....
......and then up to my favorite Zizzi store....to treat myself with a new outfit for all the money I had saved.
I had a lot of troubles with my teeth when I was a girl, and dreaded the dentists above everything. Grandpa Johannes was a headmaster through my childhood, grandma Ragna Josefine worked as a teacher at his school and they both lived in a small wooden house inside the school area. I loved to spend time with them.
One day I had followed grandma Ragna Josefine through her lessons, then after lunch she wanted me to go over to grandpa Johannes. From her classroom she opened a door and showed me the way, down the corridor. I saw grandpa Johannes sitting beside his impressive desk and wanted with all my heart to run down to him, to sit on his lap, to make him draw me a witch, he was a master of drawing witches, all with long, long noses, all with a small tree on top of their nose.......but no force in the world could make me walk down the corridor...........the reason? I knew that behind the closed door I had to pass was the office of the school's dentist.
Do you have a dentist tale to share?