Text and inages Britt-Arnhild Wigum Lindland
All my blogs have been active lately, and today I will take you on a tour in my blog world. Let us start in Caffee Avec, the coffee travel blog I started a couple of years ago. I had so many plans for it, but not all plans come true.....all the time... Last week though I wrote a blog post from Tønsberg, "at the bottom of the castle hill" Click on the link to come over.
When you are tired of walking, you can sit down in The Blue Cafe, for a broccoli souffle, a soup, or may be a fresh homemade pizza?
Over in The Blue Garden I am busy these days, preparing for spring. We still have some snow left out in the garden, but it is melting fast now, and the first bulbs are coming up, and so are the first leaves of the primulas.
A wheel in My Year in the World
A Saturday morning walk over in Trondheim Through all Seasons
The first blue scillas in Life Close to the Cathedral
And books, always more books in The Blue Bookshelf