Text and images Britt-Arnhild Wigum Lindland
An ordinary day. I had a meeting with a small group of Sami people and had to drive three hours to get there, three hours back again. Driving for six hours gives me great time for listening to music, but also time for thoughts and time to get tired. Very tired.
Time for thoughts too easily means time for worries. I start a chain of thoughts and somehow it starts to knot itself up, picking the wrong colours. My shoulders start to ache, I still drive safely but I forget to see, to really see the beauty of the world.
I started to wonder about God today. Asking all those whys and hows and ifs and if nots.......I am sure you know what I mean. How can I believe in an invisible God? How can I believe as long as I have all these questions?
I am not going to share all my thoughts here. I never do. I never will. These thoughts are for God and me only, or for a close friend and me, or my diary and me..........but when I stopped along the road to have a cup of coffee I picked up the book I am reading right now, Orhan Pamuk's Other Colours, and one of his stories spoke directly to me. Or rather, God, from his invisible state, became visible through an old Turkish tale.
My eyes opened. God was there with me again and I could rejoice in his creation.
Photos: reindeer along the road