Text and images Britt-Arnhild Wigum Lindland
It started with the storing away of Christmas. Suddenly the house looked so empty, at the same time it was too easy to see the dust and the dirt. I guess longer days, more light also added to that. I was in the mood and when the last angel was taken down, I continued to tidy. A srawer in my office, a cabinet in the kitchen, a dresser in the bathroom.
While organising and tidying I find treasures everywhere. I am a born collector, have never been good at throwing away.
Tidying takes a long time this way. There is always a letter I need to read, a photo I must show Terje, some old jewellery which has stories I simply must share with Marta, there and then.
And then there are all the ideas I get while on the go. "Terje, next time you and Marta go to IKEA, what about buying a shelf for this ectra space?". "Marta, do you want to help me sort through these photos from the last 15 years. We can make different albums you know, like.......". Sometimes Terje just looks at me in disbelief "Honestly, you can't seriously mean that you want to keep the sudoki books I've already finished. What are you going to do with them!!!!!!!"
Organising, sorting, cleaning. It will take me a long time to go through a huge house. I love the prosess. I love the house fun.
Photos: from Mostar in Bosnia. Marta is the photographer.