Text and image Britt-Arnhild Wigum Lindland
Los Gigantes, a row of dramatic cliffs on the western coast of Tenerife. Named by Christopher Colombus. There is a hole through the top of one of the cliffs. Tradidions have named this hole God's Eye. Through this hole God is looking down on the village and villagers of Los Gigantes. Therefore, as a blessing this village is the only one on the island without evil spirits.
We stayed in the neighbour village Puerto Santiago. Three villages lie close here, like beads on a necklace, Puerto Santiago in the middle, hugged by Los Arenas and Los Gigantes. From the terrace of the flat we had at Hotel Vigilia Park, we looked directly up to God's Eye.
I started my days in the dark out on the terrace, under the stars, following the lights of the early fishing boats,hardly being able to point out the contours of the giant cliffs. Slowly light came. The cliff top with the Eye was the first one to be embraced by the sun.
Every morning I was met by God's Eye looking at me.
I am bringing this experience with me, letting God's Eye shine on me every morning, every day, every night.
The days have been busy since I came home. This week-end will be a time for rest. Prayers. Music. Silence. Words written and read. And most of all contemplation and joy while I clean the house, store away the last of the Christmas decorations, open up The House in the Woods for the growing daylight.
1. God's Eye, Los Gigantes, Tenerife
2. A candle burning in an old St.George church in Syria
3. Santa Maria in Tuscany, Italy, where I spent a week in April. The blessings from my days there stay within me.