Text and image Britt-Arnhild
There are only hours left of the old year, and I am slowly walking towards a new one. From time to time I stop. I read your comments on yesterday's post, I try to imagine each and every one of you. Some of you I know in person, some I feel I know well after years of contact online, many of you I would love to get to know more. Some of you I have met in 2010, some I will meet in 2011.
I walk on. Climb the stairs up to my writing room, which I've given the simple name skrivestua- the writing room, (thank you for great suggestions some time back). There I open the big blue book where I've started to write a book for my kids. Sometimes the pen works easily, other days I am stuck in reflections.
I sit down sharing a pot of coffee with Terje. Words and silence hand in hand.
We look out on the falling snow. Yet another year has passed. Our love deepening every year.
Joy and sorrows walk with me. That is life. That is the life I want to live, the live I am thankful to live, a life with a rainbow of feelings. My rainbow is a happy, playful, sparkling one. Though on this last day it slows down a little, and the Creator's loving brush shows me colours and strokes yet unknown to me.
Have a blessed walk towards the new year!