"You are a rich woman" a good friend uses to say to me "and I love rich women" My friend is right. I am a rich woman. Not in money, though we have have enough to buy salt for the porridge as we say in Norway, well, we have enough to buy different types of salt actually, which I love to do when I travel.....but that's another story.
Yes, I am rich. I am very rich. I am a millionaire. On memories. On anticipations. On family and friends. On love. On smiles and laughter. On colleagues. But most of all I am rich because of today. Because of every day. Because of everydays.
I have been sad lately. I have found it hard to find joy in the path I am walking, in my everydays. A lot of this is because a friend is struggling with cancer. Struggling hard. We don't know which direction her struggle will take in the end.
I talk with my friend on the phone and realise that she, though she don't know, though she has pains to struggle with, questions with no answers, still finds joy and blessings in the every days.
Over and over again I must learn to pray the St.Birgitta Prayer:
Show me the way God. Make me willing to walk it.
Thank you Marta for your photo of the Croatian cricket. I miss their symphonies.