It might have been one of the last, really warm days this summer. I was up early as usual and out in the garden with my camera. To enjoy the roses, they were kissed by the morning sun, embraced by morning shadows.
A good thing about living in a Nordic garden is that the roses come late. And last long.......
The days are not so long any more as they are around midsummer. Darkness comes at night, the mornings are still bright though. Breakfast out in The Blue Garden every day.
Among the roses, the lavender and the bumblebees.
I drink tea for breakfast, but a little later I make a pot of coffee, for Terje and me. And I read again, and again, and again the coffee tales from Bosnian Coffee.
I read again about Caterina's Norwegian grandfather Thorvald, and his way of drinkning coffee, may be not the most polite way......... and a story comes to my mind:
The late King of Norway, King Olav V was out in his kingdom visiting its people. One day he was invited to drink coffee with an old man, an old "Thorvald". The old man's coffee was hot, it burnt his lips, and like he always did, he poured some on the saucer and drank it from there. It took the king no blink of his eye to do the same, pour some of his coffee on the saucer, drinking it. The story doesn't tell, but I am sure both men sipped coffee through their sugar cubs as well.
King Olav V was a beloved king. His death started the tradition with lighting candles to show your grief.
The area in front of the King's Castle in Oslo on the evening and night of January 18. 1991 was an ocean of burning candles. No Norwegian will ever forget.
A coffee story book Caterina? In a way I have already started one, in my blog Caffe Avec. It doesn't have many readers yet though, so it is kind of a secret :-)
If you go there you will find the Bosnian Coffee post on top, but scroll down and there will be a lot of coffee and travel tales.
So keep the coffee tales coming. I am collecting them. And who knows what will happen.......some day.......
Here is a coffe tale of mine, from Venezia of course :-)
By the way, the Queen of Coffee tales is Merisi from Vienna for Beginners. You find her blog here.