I am counting my blessings. Every single day, every hour there is something to be thankful for. Not the expensive, "big" stuff, but the small sunrays during the day. I have started to make a list on Britt-Arnhild's House in the Woods on facebook, and here is what I wrote there yesterday:
Counting my blessings #5 - coming home from work to find freshly baked chocolate cupcakes. Thanks you Marta. This will be the theme of tomorrow's blogpost.
Instead of starting dinner when I came home from work yesterday, as I normally do, the chocolate cupcakes were too tempting. I made some coffee for Terje, a pot of tea for myself, and we sat out in the sunny garden to enjoy the moment.
Later, in the evening, Marta said: "Mamma, did you read cousin Kamilla's newsfeed at facebook today?" "Yes" I answered, "wasn't it nice that she had a day home from school to work at home, making pancakes and all that" :-) Kamilla is 12 and lives up north in Norway on the Lofoten islands. Marta looked at me: "Yes, sure it was, but I felt so bad when I read that she had done the dishes and cleaned the kitchen counter........."
Marta is a great cleaner. Usually we find the kitchen shining after her cooking and baking experiments. Yesterday though she was so busy and had to leave the kitchen unclean.
I didn't mind the dishes. While making the fish meal later I cleaned the kitchen and I put one more blessing on my list. The small and the taste of freshly bakes cupcakes.......I looked over at Marta's recipe book which still was open on the counter, and I smiledf.