I was never sure if I would make it to Italy or not. The ash cloud hung heavily over Europe. Wednesday I knew, or at least almost knew, that the planes would be going. But if I flew down, what about my return. Would I take the chance? Yes, I said to myself some time during Wednesday, I am flying. I was sitting in Stiklestad church for a morning prayer, my reflection from Monday morning still fresh in my mind, I prayed for God's guidance and knew that he had something planned for me, in Italy or in Norway.
All of a sudden the man in front of me, in the church, started to laught. He pointed down to the floor where a long, colourful row of sweets were laying, probably a leftover from a child the Sunday before. It might have been, a child's leftovers I mean, but for me it was something completely different as well, it was God telling me that he has a chain of sweets waiting for me to gather and eat.......in Italy, or in Norway. I wanted to believe that it was in Italy though :-)
I have been collecting sweets these days, God is spreading them freely. The first one was actually the delay of my suitcase. I had several hours in Firenze before going up to the mountains and Santa Maria, now I could walk freely without my heavy suitcase. Well, the sweet became a little sour when the mountain air became terrible cold at nights and I had only the thin clothes I had been travelling in, but I couldn't complain, could I :-)
There have been alot more sweets, none to be told here though, the blog is for sharing parts of my life, not all........
But then, last night, the most surprising lollipop fell down before me when Jane suddenly came over to ask her words: Are you Britt?
Jane has been reading my blog on and off for several years. last night she read that I was going to Firenze, and since she is here for holiday right now she sent me an email and we decided to meet for dinner. The appointment I have with Jane and her husband is for tonight, so it was totally my chance that we met yesterday.
Tonight I will have dinner with Jane and her husband. I am looking forward to it :-)