The three long naps on the coach on Saturday, and an eleven hours sleep during the night from Saturday till Sunday, did wonders. I am fully recovered. I had a great Sunday. I am looking forward to a full week at work, ending with the week-end in Copenhagen for the climate meeting.
I started the Sunday with a garden walk, after breakfast, as soon as it was light enough. Not much to see now when everything is frosen, but the walk was a good one for planning what to do in the garden next spring, next summer.
Terje and Marta kept on with their Christmas cookies. Marta's singing, father and daughter's chatting could be heard from where I sat at the diningroom table, writing the Christmas letter of 2009.
Saturday I had invited the kids home for a fish dinner. Yesterday it was time to do something with the leftovers. Redesign the food. We have used leftovers always, nothing is ever thrown away in The House in the Woods. I'd never heard of redesigned food though, untill a friend wrote about it on facebook not long ago.
Redesigned food. Sounds quite chic :-)
I decided to make a fish soup. Having observed my father in law so many times, having some ideas of my own. The soup turned out to be a winner. Bjørn Amundsen, my friend who has written the book " Jorda rundt på 80 fiskesupper" (around the world on 80 fish soups), had his birthday yesterday. I could send him a facebook greeting telling him that I ate some extra soup just for him. And I had to promise him the recipe.
I plan to have the recipe up in the new The Blue Café as soon as it opens. The old one, over at blogspot, has been closed for some time now, a new one here at typepad will open some time, hopefully soon. Why don't you visit my other blogs while waiting; Trondheim Through all Seasons, My Year in the World, The Blue Garden, The Blue Bookshelf, they are all active these days. Caffe Avec has a little break but will be updated soon, I have an exciting coffeeshop-visit in Mexico City in mind.
I got a surprise in my mailbox the other day, an email from Linda Olsson, the author of Astrid & Veronica (Let me Sing you Gentle Songs) and Sonata for Miriam. I wrote about her books some time ago, when I was in Krakow, and now she wrote a thank you note :-) Through her email I discovered that Linda has a blog:
The knitted ornament giveaway will continue every day during advent. Don't forget to leave a comment on this post, tomorrow another name will be drawn.
Today's winner: Marilyn