Early in the morning I pass the river, then the cathedral park and graveyard. Autumn and dark mornings are here and while walking from the car behind the Pilgrim Center, to the office in the Archbishop's Palace, I take a detour. The morning is magical and I am picking flowers for my memory chest.
Postcard? No, it is just my morning........
I wonder what it would be like to be a girl in a painting like this. I would play with the crisp fallen leaves, play hide and seek among the tombstones, climb the trees, run the paths, sleep close to the stonewall.
I have arrived in my office now. My workday starts in a few minutes. I watch the daylight coming, soon it will fill the park. From my window I can see the little girl in the painting. She is playing with the crisp, falling leaves, she plays hide and seek among the tombstones, she climbs the trees, she runs the paths......
......and there I watch her go to sleep......