I have made it a habit to bing my small camera with me. Always. Yesterday turned out to be one of those glorious days. After weeks of rain and drairy weather, Terje and I drove to his work early in the morning, watching a dark deep blue sky, slowly painted orange by the rising sun (my two favorite colours!). I left Terje outside his work, with his soft goodbye kiss still on my lips, walking the 25 minutes I need to my work, rejoicing in the beautiful day.
When I walked back to Terje and the car in the afternoon, the day was still light, the low sun bright in my eyes. So bright that I almost missed this corner. With the rose with flowers creating light.
For a long time I fogot Terje, even forgot the "nice to see you again, i've missed you"-kiss he always greets me with.
This rose. The late flowers. The warmth and beauty strong enough to enlighten its surroundings. Oh, to be a rose like this.......
A long time later I walked on, and my camera captured these photos.