WE had been to the movies Marta and I, to watch Fame. For a couple of hours I had felt like a teenager again. A lovely feeling. Now it was time to go home to make pizza.
On our way to the car we passed the cathedral and its park, and I didn't hesitate long before I found my small camera deep down in my bag, and started to shoot photos.
"Å, mamma da! Why do you always have to take photos. Why can't we just walk on like ordinary people......." Marta started to walk a little faster, and soon she was several steps in front of me. I took my photo and walked on, reflecting.
Of course I couldn't, of course I wouldn't stop capturing the beauty I see during our ordinary days, during our everydays. And what is just as important, I want to teach Marta, and all our kids, to see the beauty of each day, the beauty of creation. Stopping in the middle of the street to shoot photos is part of that. Blogging is part of thet. Being a mother is part of that.
I know that Marta was teasing me with her words. I know that she is proud that I am not an "ordinary" woman and that what she said was her way of coming to terms with that.
We walked on, the two of us. Mother and daughter. Stopping from time to time to let the mother shoot yet another photo. On our way home to make pizza. Singing - Fame! I'm gonna live forever........
Tomorro I'm going to tell you how the memory of this walked helped me, brightened my day, on a dark, drairy morning.