For years I have been thinking of creating a blog about Trondheim. Almost four weeks ago I finally did it, and all of a sudden I see Trondheim, the city where I was born in 1958, the city where I have lived almost all my life, the city where I work, with completely new eyes.
I bring my camera where ever I walk, and if I have a meeting somewhere in town, I find a short detour, just to walk some new paths, to find new treasures. I think that I know the city like my own jeans pocket. I don't! Every day there are new places to see, new gems to explore.
This summer I have started a new "just for me"-tradition. Every Saturday morning, just after breakfast, when the world is still quiet, I drive downtown and walk around for a coupe of hours. Shoot photos, sit down somewhere with a caffee latte and a snack, and then may be do some shopping before going home to make lunch - some food at the markets, a book, a cd, a small treasure at an antique shop......
Every Saturday morning I visit a new part of the city.
Every Saturday morning I find something new.
When I sit down for coffee by the end of my walk, I take up my small notebook and make notes of what to blog about in Trondheim Through all Seasons, or I read a little, write in my diary, or just watch life.
When I started the Trondheim blog I said to myself - will there be enough to blog about every day? Now, almost four weeks later, I see that I aready have photos and stories for several years.
Trondheim, more that 1000 years old, about 170.000 inhabitants, a charming mixture of old and new.....
I love Trondheim.....
.....and I want to share my love with you!
Don't forget, The House in the Woods has a guestroom ready.
When are you coming?