The Dream
"Never see a need without doing something about it".
A woman dreamt she walked into a brand new shop in the market place and, to her surprise, found God behind the counter. "What do you sell here?" she asked. "Everything your heart desires," said God. Hardy daring to believe what she was hearing, the woman decided to ask for the best thing a human being could wish for. "I want peace of mind, love, happiness, wisdom, freedom from fear and harm, plus a sence of hope for the future," she said. Then, as an afterthought, she added, "Not just for me. For everyone on earth." God smiled, "I think you have got me wrong, my friend. We do not sell fruits here. Ony SEEDS. (Anthony De Melo SJ)
I was looking though some of my travel journals yesterday. In a journal from Eritrea, September 2001, I found a photo with this text.
Photo: from our mountain hike last week