So many of you have asked to see more of my quilts, I guess it is time to show some today.
I have most of my quilts stored in a small studio down in the basement, and when I went down there to pick out a few for this "show and tell" last night, I was amazed at how many quits and quilted items I really have. And I also realised that storing them away do them no good. Quilts are meant to be used.
Quilts are meant to be enjoyed, to be cherished, to be felt and patted......not to be folded away in the darkness.
This little beauty is not used to the light, can you see?
Quilted stars shine more bright in daylight, not at the bottom of a huge wicked basket , under the weight of dozens of other quilts.
I look at the tiny, tiny stiches and remember hours of joy when working with needles and thread.
Most of my quilts are handpieced and handquilted, but some are sewn on machine before I quilted them by hand. These sailboats are sewn on paper on machine. A wonderful tecnique to get the most perfect corners.
This is actually a totebag, isn't the handquilted back side lovely?
Many of my quilts are so called "round robins". I smile now, remembering how long it took me, with Norwegian as my mother tongue, to understand what a round robin was. I had never in my life, never ever, heard of that bird........ These houses are made together with my penpal Annet in Holland. I plan to hang it in my new office at work which has a beautiful red brick wall.
Name tags on the back side of the quilts, to tell the quilt story, are important.
I have more quilts than I ever will use, and it is a shame to have them all hidden down in the dark basement. As I've already said - quilts need to be loved. This is a small wall hanging I made for Marta when she was a small girl, but she never liked it. The funny clown faces scared her.
Today I have decided to give the quilt away, as a THANK YOU from the deep of my heart to all you wonderful readers and commenters of my blog. I get so many comments, it is quite impossible for me to write you all back, to visit your blogs as often as I would love to. But you must al know that I read ALL the comments and I love them. And I love you!
So by the end of this month, or may be before, I will pick a winner from one of the commenters to this post. Do you want to win a quited wallhanging, machine pieced and handquilted by me? Well, don't hesitate to write your comment. I am looking forward to hear from you!
The quilts shown:
- a mariner's compass on a bag for quilt supplies
- blue dolls, a gift for Marta for her baptism
- stars of scraps
- sailboats on a tote bag
- houses
- the give away clowns