For a long, long time, it must have been a couple of years, I've been wanting to start a blog about my city, a blog about Trondheim. This week I have been up early (as usual), and before work I have taken a walk in the city. A walk in the almost empty summer city. Every morning a cappuccino in a new place, every morning with my small camera in my hands.
It has felt like being a tourist in my own city. I have seen old, familiar sights with new eyes, and I have found new "treasures". Small cafes I didn't know about, houses, narrow street where I haven't walked in years.
I have a special file on my computer now with my Trondheim photos, and it is filling up fast. The Trondheim blog has got its name, and the first two posts are already written. I am the only one to know the blog address yet, but if you ask I might not be too hesitant to give it away :-)
The summer sale has started, and when you start looking into the shop windows there are images for funny photos everywhere. I wonder why all the figures are headless. Are you supposed to lose your head on the sale?
Well, I prefere a head on top of my body to alot of cheap, new clothes......... I am not buying anything at the sale this year.
What about you?
The hand drawn postcards. So many of you want a postcard made by this charming boy, and I have only two cards to send.......I looked for the boy yesterday, but he wasn't there. I will look again today, and hopefully I will have more cards to send. Untill then no names are chosen.......