Colours are important in my life. During my days in Venezia in June I showered myself in orange. I have photos and words waiting for a "going orange in Venezia"-post, but haven't found the right opportunity to write it yet.......may be some day.
The stalls at the historical market at the St.Olav Festival, dance with colours, and I am filling up my colour basket.
Orange is among my favorites this summer, reds are a good number two.
When you start looking for colours you can find dots and spots everywhere. Look at this red pencil :-) This 10 year old boy loves drawing and sells his handdrawn postcards at the market. I buy some from him every year. Anybody wants one in the mail? I'll pick a name from the comments........
A red apron brightens the day of the woman baking flatbrød.
A little red makes this huge bouquet a piece of art.
The choir Schola St. Sunnivaewith their beautiful voices and sparkling red dresses.
Bishop of Nidaros, Tor Singsaas, at the opening seremony.
From the St.Olav mass in the cathedral yesterday. Huge signs told that you were not allowed to photograph. With shaking hands I couldn't resist, and I made one of the guards furious.......
What is your favorite colour?