Both girls have now started their summer holidays, and Friday it was time for a mother and daughter's trip downtown. With lunch at Tulla Fischer.
As always I am teased by my family when I take up my camera, struggling to get the best shots. "I do it for my blog you know" is the answer I always give.......
Terje, Marta and I started our long drive south early yesterday morning, before Ingrid was awake. When she finally stated her day, she was curious to see my blog, but what did she find? A gang with sweaty bikers instead of my two beautiful daughters???????
I am trying to make it all up Ingrid, so here is a blog post for her :-)
I k now Marta will hate me when she sees this, she never wants her photo taken, but Marta, please blame it on Ingrid......
We miss you Ingrid. Have a nice summer, working.........and then Barcelona! (you lucky girl)
Then over to the winner of my atest giveaway. How can I thank you all for the lovey comments you gave, for the encouragement you are sending me again and again about my writing.
My favorite comment, and the one which gave me a new idea for my travel book, came from Margaret Lambert. Thanks for your "hearty" comment. And guess what, when I was to pick a random comment for the extra gift, the wheel stopped on your comment as we. Two small pieces of Venezian glass will be sent to you as soon as you email me your address.