Boil the potatos. Peel and dice. Mix with extra virgin olive oil, Maldon salt and fresh chives from The Bue Garden. A winner.
Boil the eggs. Peel and dice. Mix with majonaise, lemon juice, sat and garlic. Another winner.
Focaccia. Always focaccia.
Do you have a good potato salad recipe to share? We will grow our own potatos this summer, and I am collecting new recipes.
Several of my readers have the last days contacted me to let me know that they are unable to open the comment page. If they try, their computer freezes. One friend is even unable to open my front blogpage, and can't read my blog at all. Will you please let me know if this has happened to you, and if it has, which web-reader are you using. So far I know those who have had this problem are using internet exporer.
The typepad staff is working on the problem, but they need more information. You can let me know by emailing me, you find my email to the right on top of my page.