The year of 2009 has started. War, financial crisis, global insecurity ..... the news are filled and we can't avoid some quiet moment in prayers during breakfast when we read the newspaper, or at night when we watch the news. What can we do to make the world a better place?
I almost feel bad about being safe, being happy, at the same time I have a life to live. I have a responsibility for the world and I have a responsibility for my own life.
In the middle of an unsecure world, we talk about the year which we have just started. What will the year be like? Goodbyes? New meetings? Sorrows? Joys? What plans do we have, for today, for tomorrow, the next month, the summer vacation? Where do we want to travel?
To plan travels is my favorite pasttime. I even prefere it to travels I think. In the stage of planning you have all the dreams, all the possibilities. The world is open :-)
2008 was a busy year of travels for me. 2009 will be much more quiet, but I have a few plans. Nothing quite set yet, but dreams. I read guidebooks, I check flight scedules and train timetables, I email friends, write letters, dream together with Terje.
What will 2009 bring?
Photos: India memories.