Have you ever been in charge of a party with 350 guests. Plates, glasses, silverware.....
.....white table cloths and napkins......
.....candeliers wrapped in flowers and ivory.....
One room is not enough, we need one more......
The king is coming. Is everything on line?
Woops! We forgot the sun! The king will sit down at 13.25 tomorrow. At 12.55 today the low winter sun is shining directly into where the kings' eyes will be.
This must be checked and doubble checked. And at 13.24 we can breath again. The last sunray waves good bye to the king's chair and the "stand in king".......
Today Tor Singsaas will become the new bishop of Nidaros. Congratulations dear Tor.
In my next life I think I'd love to be a party planner.