Note on the door
I am sorry, we are away at the cabin for the week-end. Ingrid is at home though. Please come in, and she will be more than happy to make you a caffe latte
Please come in and make yourself feel at home. All rooms are open, but if you want to stay over night we would prefere that you use The Blue Room where we have made up an extra bed for you. Feel free to read the books, but not my diaries, and if you use the computer, can I kindly ask you to send a greeting to my blogfriends (you can ask Ingrid for my username and password)
The Blue Garden always loves visitors. I am sorry about the wet and cold weather, but a garden tour should be a nice pasttime anyway. And while you are out there, will you be kind enough to feed the birds? I am not sure if Ingrid remembers. The seeds are behind the red door on the kitchen veranda.
I have left the guest book on the side table in the livingroom. Don't forget to leave a note.
Enjoy the House in the Woods.
Photos: the treasures I found the other day at a local Salvation Army shop. French caffee latte cups from the Norwegian Egersund Fajanse, the old Norwegian china which I collect.
Blog of the Week this week must be a real French antique collector, Tongue in Cheek, the favorite blogger of so many of us.