There are two main books in my life, The Book of Salvation and The Book of Creation. The first one (the Bible) is always in my backpack wherever I go, the second one (God's creation) surrounds us always.
I am a bookaholic, reading always, buying book wherever I go. So also during my trip to Lindisfarne. Books where packed before I left, more books were bought at the airports we passed flying down there, Waterstones in Durham is a wonderful bookstore, and packing my backpack every morning for a day of walking on the Holy Island I always made sure to make room for books.
It didn't take me long though to realise that The Book of Creation became the most important book during my stay. I am going on another pilgrimage the coming days (to Vadstena and St.Birgitta in Sweden). This time I will make sure that there is space enough for The Book of Creation.
It is time for another Blog of the Week. Bridget in Francebrings pieces of creation inside and make the cutest miniatures. I am the happy owner of one of her paintings.
Photos: my beloved island Lindisfarne