....I still haven't had my morning cup of coffee. Why don't we sit down and talk while waiting for it to brew? ....Please have a chair and tell me what you are up to today..... It is good to sit down for a quiet moment of chatting isn't it? I had an appointment with my hairdresser yesterday morning and started the day with a long chat with her...... Though as my own hairdresser was on vacation I got a new lady and we had to start all our chatting from scratch, couldn't start where we finished a months ago. This new one wants me to cut my hair short and is sure I will look younger and more up to date in a new hairdo. But why should I look younger, why should I look more up to date as long as I like the way I already look, and I like my long curls?...... I let her talk along for a while on this subject while my mind wandered looking forward to the coming afternoon when Marta and a friend would come downtown and meet me after work. .....When they came, two beautiful young ladies dressed for an afternoon in town, purses filled with money for some shopping, the blessing of being a mother and an aunt flew through my body like rainbow marbles. Yes, they both did some shopping, we bought some junkfood and 7-eleven (some days are made for junkfood) and ate it in a small park along the river, we did some more shopping and then went to the cinema to see Prince Caspian. .....Will you believe, I had a nap during the movie and had to be explained some of the happening by Marta after the film. She just couldn't believe that I was able to nap through such an exciting story......... It was time to take Mathilde back home, and while driving up to her place we passed the soccer stadium where Iron Maiden was to start a concert. 23 000 people at a rock concert in Trondheim. Big, big news for our small city. Torgeir went to the concert and I look forward to phone him today to hear about it all...........Oh, here comes the caffee latte, and an espresso for you. So please tell me, what have you been up to lately?
Photo: a cafe in Terracina
Note: I would love to keep on our chat and look forward to hear what you have to say
Blog of the Week: Blogworld is changing and blogworld is growing. Some members leave, others are moving in, and I make new friends. A wonderful neighbour, Debbie in CA, moved in not long ago and this week I want to take you over to her Wisteria Cottage. By the way, wisteria was unknown to me untill two years ago when I sat under a wisteria shower in a monastery garden at Fossanove, outside Terracina. It was Easter, and the monastery caffee could offer more than 40 different types of hot chocolate.