I spoke with my publisher yesterday. They have now read my first script for the upcoming book and have alot of ideas for changes.
Some of the ideas I find good, with others I don't agree.
I have a few days now to get back to the publisher with an agreement to do the changes they want, or to say no to the whole project.
Walking is my way of clearing my mind.
I have a 25 minutes walk and pray every morning before work, and this morning my mind was too busy the see all the small wooden houses with their spring gardens which I love to watch as I pass. Shall I bow my head and say yes to the publisher, or shall I raise my head and say no, I can't agree with your changes.
Or is there a third possibility. Raise my head and say "YES!I see your point and I can change my script to some degrees. But I also want you to see my point. Listen to me........."
I am of stubborn roots. I will raise my head and say YES, and if the publisher then says no, I still believe that I have done the right thing.
Photos: From Lindisfarne.
Thanks for some great advices and good support. I have had a very productive day today, with writing and praying, and have a very good feeling. I will know more next week after the publisher's meeting and discussing.