Did you know that today is called Blue Monday? The name comes originally from a blue cloth the priests used to cover the altar this day to remind the congregation that Lent is soon here. Later the colour of Lent has become a dark purple.
I will try to say no to chocolate during Lent this year. But today is still the time of the carnivals, and a box of chocolates I bought last week can be enjoyed.
Tempting bites filled with flavours of dreams. One small bite and you are taken straight to heaven.
I found out last week that a small chocolaterie has opened here in Trondheim recently, and here they make these small bites. I have never tasted anything like it.
Oh, why did I have to find out only days before Lent?
Recipe for yesterday's fastelavnsboller is now posted in The Blue Café, with a link to where you can flip through "40 dager - fra karneval til oppstandelse" online. Today I am making a special "Mardi Gras" fish salad. Dagmar made this salad for supper at her farm in Austria when I spent these days with her two years ago. Recipe is found in my book and will also be posted in The Blue Café.