I am reading Ibsen these days. Even though I am a Norwegian girl, having lived in Norway all my life, I can't say that I've read much Ibsen. I studied some of his plays and poems in school yes, and I see them at the theatre from time to time (Saw The Wild Duck in January). But really read Ibsen........
So one of my goals for this my 50th year is to read all his plays and poems. Read them, study them, enjoy them.....
When Henrik Ibsen wrote A Doll's House
, he lived at the Amalfi Coast in Italy, in Ravello. A Doll's House is set in Norway, but the clue to the story is the year Nora and her husband spent in Italy, in this beautiful area near Capri. Their year spent there gave Helmer his health back and saved the couple from death and catastrophy, though it is also the year there which now threatens to ruin everything......
We visited the Amalfi Coast last summer. Breathing in it's beaty, drinking it's amazing charm. Driving through villages I let my camera work itself hot.
We spent the night up in Ravello, the village where Ibsen lived. Visited Villa Cimbrone and had dinner at a restaurant overlooking the Amalfi Bay.
Sat down in fading daylight, enjoyed food and tourquise sea while darkness wrapped us up. On top of the world, on top of a firework down in the bay.
Ibsen must have eaten here, enjoyed the view. I wonder if he ever had a meal with Nora and Helmer........
Photos from Amalfi and Ravello last summer.
Today is Fastelavn Sunday. I am up early to bake "fastelavnsboller", with my camera ready for photos for The Blue Café. Lent starts on Wednesday. Lent is alot about food for me. Not food extravaganza, but simple, everyday food, prepared with love, prepared with food of the season, prepared with the fresh colours of the rainbow.
Blog of the week:
I've recently discovered Miss Maddie's. Come over and take a look yourself.
Follow the links and you are taken to books and stories around the world.
The fastelavsnboller recipe is now up in The Blue Café. There you will also find a link to where you can look through my lent book online, and where you can put an order if you are interested.