Once upon a time there was a small magician living in a land of ice and magic. The land where you eat six icecreams a day ("Of course I do, I am from Iceland"), the land where everything is possible, rabbits are dragged out of deep, black hats, shining eyes melt hearts......
One day the young magician travelled over the ocean, far, far, to meet his aunt. Like a puppet master he knew how to handle the aunt's heart strings. Pulling here, pushing there........and the aunt does exactly as she is told.....even search the freezer for yet another icecream......
The young magician owns the world, speaks the language of the natives, jumps with joy when the aunt squeals when a spider is missing.
Laughter and joy surrounds the small magician. The aunt breath it all in......and is totally exhausted when it is finally time for the magician to say goodbye..........a bed at his grandparents' is waiting.
Thanks Águst for a whirlwind of an afternoon.
Photos: my nephew Águst (from Iceland), gave us a magic show last night.